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史上最自信的排球教練 / The most self-confident volleyball coach in history
joe - 27-3-2005 at 07:14 PM

We would say the most self-assured volleyball coach in history is the late Head Coach of Japanese Women’s Team, Omatsu Hirofumi.

This gentleman had a nick name “Devil Coach”. He had once told the Japanese Women’s Team players that “Who can survive the training. Who will have the Olympic gold medal.” In 1964, women’s volleyball first time included in the Olympic. This group of “mommy-grade” players miraculously won USSR by 3:2. They could show off their gold medals in front of their families.

They have a dream. They won their gold medals. That made this group of almost forgotten “Oriental Witch” the greatest team in the history.

在排球界最大言不慚的教練, 首推已故日本前國家女排的大松博文.

這位有[魔鬼教練]之稱的男子漢, 曾對日本女排說:[誰能夠捱過訓練, 她就可以拿取一面金牌.] 結果, 在1964年首次被列入奧運項目的決賽中,這班[媽咪]級的球員奇蹟地以三比二擊敗蘇聯女子隊, 把金牌炫耀在家人面前.

一個夢想, 一面金牌, 令這班已被人遺忘了的[東洋魔女], 堪稱是世界排球界有史以來最偉大的球隊之一.

nippon - 28-3-2005 at 05:56 PM

won....i like him very much!!